Who is Jonas?

Originally from Göteborg, Sweden, Jonas Wiberg is a performer, juggler, memoriser, and scrabble player who is currently based in New Zealand.

Jonas began his performing career as a juggler and magician. After studying circus at the Akademiet For Utaemmet Kreativitet (Denmark) in 2012, Jonas started traveling the world with his comedy juggling street show Sven From Sweden. He has performed in 25+ countries at a variety of festivals with highlights including the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Pflasterspektakel in Switzerland, and performing at IKEA for the Adelaide Fringe Festival.

Jonas has always loved language and words, and has recently discovered memory techniques. During 2020/2021, he memorised the Collins English School Dictionary. For his latest project, he has turned his sights on becoming a Scrabble champion and is currently competing at tournaments around New Zealand and Australia. He has dreams of growing the sport, so watch this space! 👀